Kwells 0.3mg x 12 in Liège

Kwells 0.3mg x 12


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Buy Kwells 0.3mg x 12 in Liège online. Travel sickness happens when there is a miscommunication in signals from the eyes and the vestibular system. This is because the eyes perceives movement and the vestibular system, which is located in the inner ear and controls balance, perceives movement. This results in the brain registering a feeling of nausea in an area known as its 'vomiting centre'. Kwells 0.3mg x 12 in Liège stops this from happening by preventing these signals from reaching this area in the brain.If you are a victim of motion sickness, whether it be when you travel by boat, car or plane, taking Kwells 0.3mg x 12 in Liège can provide relief. This treatment is available in 300mg tablets that melt in your mouth, so they can be taken whenever they are needed. Kwells 0.3mg x 12 in Liège contain hyoscine hydrobromide which prevents nerve signals from triggering the nausea parts in the brain. These tablets should be taken 20 to 30 minutes before you start travelling.

  • Can prevent the symptoms of motion sickness
  • Should be taken 20 to 30 minutes before travel
  • Easy to take
  • Contains the active ingredient hyoscine hydrobromide

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